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Blog Post #3 The Tea On AI Marketing

I have experienced AI Marketing by receiving an automatic email from brands when I left items in my shopping bag on the website and them wanting me to come back to check out with a given discount code. This has happened a good amount of times to me because I like to add things to my bag I find cute but I am not ready to buy at the moment. AI marketing for me is a neutral feeling because I enjoy the emails I get saying "Come back to your bag" or "You found some really great stuff, don't leave", I will take action sometimes to click on the email to go find out what is even in my bag to see if it is really worth buying. There are times where I see an AI marketing email and ignore it as well to where I don't want the stuff in the bag on the website anymore. There are a few ways brands get my attention to make me click back onto the website. The main way brands draw me back in would be discount codes because I am a college student after all and don't want to spend a fortune on things I know can wait but at a discounted price I might just get the items. Another way is personalization like "just for you" items the brand has put together to make you see they pay attention to what you click on to make you want to spend your money on the brand. I believe AI marketing gets my attention a good amount with how much time I spend on clothing websites and Amazon.



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